Explore the beautiful and diverse options you have when you arrive at our farm.
Already have a tree? Here is a link to some helpful tips to care for your tree this holiday season.
Douglas Fir trees are known for their lush, blue-green needles that are fragrant, soft and about one inch in length, and radiate out in all directions. The sturdy branches with symmetrical form have excellent needle retention.
Stately Fraser Fir trees have soft, emerald green needles with silvery undersides. The needles are flat, about three-quarters of an inch in length and have a bottlebrush texture. Their strong branches have a wonderful aroma and outstanding needle retention.
Grand Fir trees have beautiful, thick foliage with sprays of very shiny one to one and one-half inch dark green needles in two distinct rows. It is known for its strong, citrus, tangerine fragrance, and exceptional uniformity.
The Nordmann Fir tree has strong branches, and a fragrant “Balsam” aroma. The dark, shiny green needles are an inch to one and one-half inches long. These flat needles are rounded at the tip, and form a soft, feather-like spray of foliage.
Native to the Pacific Northwest, the Noble Fir has a natural appearance with open, stiffer branches that hold up heavier ornaments. The bluish-green needles are over one inch long and appear silver because of the two white stripes on both the top and underneath.